Matt and Vicki Howe seem, by all appearances, a normal Eastside couple. They live east of Redmond in a new house, Matt has a good job, Vicki works for herself, they have grown children and a dog at home. Yet, God worked in their lives in a grand way last November. He sent them to Nairobi in Kenya to help out at an orphanage. Just like most white, middle-class Christians from the West they more or less thought they were bringing God to Africa. What they found is that God was already there! In fact, God seems to be more alive there than here on the Eastside of Seattle. Go figure!
They came home after a great trip--permanently changed. Now they plan to teach a missional ministry class: training other folks, just like them, about missional living--both here and abroad. They will share how God moves daily in places such as Africa, South America and Asia; and, how thousands are finding Jesus daily. God has moved South!
Matt and Vicki share their passion for discovering God at work in other places as they discuss what it means to go on a mission trip. They explain how anyone can go. You don't need special skills. They'll teach about what you need, why you might go, and how you prepare? The surprise is that we have less to bring and do than we think!
Don't get me wrong, those of us in the West can assist African Christians--with food, clothing, medicine and other things money can buy. But we're not the great white saviors. What African, Asian and South American Christians bring to us is love and passion for Jesus that's so alive--we've never seen anything like it. They know Him. They see miracles. They believe what He says and live in response. They gladly accept Him as Savior and Lord.
Who's the missionary now? Thanks Matt & Vicki for showing us the way! Their class will start Wednesday, September 19 at 6:45pm at Timberlake in Redmond, WA. Class is 8 weeks. If you're interested, join them on Wednesdays. They get it!
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