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November 01, 2007


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When I saw this article in my local newspaper, I got sick to my stomach. This so-called Baptist church has satan on their side and he is laughing his head off. I couldn't believe how angry I was as I was reading the details of the Phelps' family protests at military funerals. But then I thought, that is what the enemy is hoping for....stirring up hate and anger. I prayed right then and there, that I would do a better job of showing love to my "neighbor" one person at a time. God can use me, just one person, to spread His love to others....and hopefully it will outweigh what a few "bad apples" are trying to spread: hate.


Thanks for your honest and thoughtful response. I'm sure that most of us felt the anger. I pray that we all will follow your example to love our neighbor, one person at a time. I'm proud to know you!

Jill Dyche

Wonder how Mr. Phelps and family would answer the question, "What would Jesus do?" Judge not, Mr. Phelps, lest... We all know the rest.

Thanks for this, Henriet.


I wonder that too, Jill. I'm sure his answer would be different then yours and mine!

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