What is Semper Vita?
We are an organization dedicated to helping people find meaningful and missional ways to volunteer in the community. Through partnering with churches and non-profit organizations, we will help you quickly and easily find volunteer opportunities that fit who you are and what you're looking for. We will also connect people and our partner organizations to each other to create a networked community. We will do all this through an interactive website that's coming soon! See our vision and mission for more information about Semper Vita.
What does "Semper Vita" mean?
"Semper Vita" is Latin meaning "always life."
Who started Semper Vita?
Henriet Schapelhouman, president and founder, began Semper Vita as a result of a compelling vision about a collaborative missional network while attending a class on organizational dynamics at
Fuller Theological Seminary.
When did Semper Vita get started?
Semper Vita originated as the result of a Fuller class assignment in October 2006. Two Semper Vita-related blogs - and - were started soon thereafter in January 2007. Since that time, a team of people have been working together to make the Semper Vita vision a reality. It was officially incorporated as a non-profit in December 2007. Our current plans are to launch the public beta site in March 2010.
How It Works
What does Semper Vita provide practically? Tell me about the website:
- It's a missional connectivity tool that will enable churches and
those who want a richer volunteer experience to serve more effectively
in the communities in which they live.
- It's a tool that will be used equally by everyday folks like you
and me, as well as the non-profit organizations, including churches,
who want to connect more effectively with the folks in their
- It will provide tools to help you understand how you're uniquely
wired so that you can find volunteer opportunities more suited to your
liking - and find other like-minded folks to connect and serve with.
How is Semper Vita different from other volunteer or networking sites?
Our goal is to help people volunteer, connect and grow. We want to do more than link you to an opportunity; we want to connect you to the right volunteer opportunity for you. Our goal is not simply to help those in need - we want to be a community of volunteers who intentionally demonstrate Jesus' love by doing serious good. We want to extend the impact beyond just volunteering. That's what connect is all about. We want to help people connect with others in their
area of passion to create a relationally connected serving community. How do we help you do all this? We believe that one of the best ways to find your right opportunity and serving community is by understanding your wiring. We help people find their right fit through assessments and by working collaboratively with churches and non-profit organizations.
How do I get connected to others?
Once you create your Semper Vita profile, you can search for others based on their profile. Safe and secure connecting will happen online and through network groups.
What's in it for me as an individual?
The satisfaction of meaningful community service is just one of the many
benefits. You also have the opportunity to discover your unique wiring
that will benefit you - not only for volunteering, but also in everyday
life, relationships and work. Finally, you have the opportunity to
connect with some of the greatest people who care about what you care
Simply stated you will have:
- the ability to easily volunteer in the community and demonstrate Jesus' love.
- the opportunity to connect with like-minded and like-interested people.
- the chance to discover your wiring and deploy it for God's purpose.
What's in it for me as a church?
As a church you want to reach your local community and beyond with the love of Jesus. Though that's easily said, many churches face the practical question "How can we effectively and missionally impact our community?" Semper Vita is a simple way to be the church in the community. We provide easy ways for you to demonstrate the love of Jesus through service.
Simply stated you will have:
- the ability to be Jesus to the community in practical ways
- the opportunity to connect with other churches, organizations and individuals in the community
- the access to training for volunteers and for missional ministry
What's in it for me as a nonprofit?
As a nonprofit you need volunteers and donations to complete your mission. In today's economy, you are trying to stand out to attract committed volunteers and donors. Semper Vita provides direct access to committed volunteers to help fulfill your mission. As a partner, your nonprofit will also have an additional way to attract donors.
Simply stated you will have:
- a chance to provide opportunities to receive practical help and access to great volunteers
- the opportunity to connect with volunteers, churches and other nonprofits to touch the community
- access to training
How do I sign up?
Presently, you can only sign up by email or RSS feed notifications. In the fall of 2008, we will be rolling out the official Semper Vita website (this is just an interim site) that will allow you to sign up as a member of the Semper Vita network. Subscribe by email or RSS feed now to receive the latest updates.
Is it free?
Yes, it is free for individual members. Our partners have the option of various packages which range from free to paying a nominal annual fee.
Will my information be secure?
Yes, securing your personal information is one of our top priorities. We will not sell, rent or lease any of your information to a third party.
What benefits do I get as a member of the Semper Vita network?
Unregistered visitors have limited visibility to Semper Vita's offerings. Registered Semper Vita members have access to easy volunteering through highly specialized opportunities, as well as a chance to connect with experts in various fields and other Semper Vita volunteers. Members have access to various online groups and networks. To make the most of their Semper Vita experience, members can also receive training through the Semper Vita.
Partner Information
What benefits do I get as a Semper Vita partner?
Partners will receive various benefits including access to volunteers, volunteer opportunities and more effective ways to impact the community. See the Partner with Us page for more information.