Adjusting to include new uses for coupons to live Christmas everyday
On a recent visit to Dr. Curt Nelson, my chiropractor of 15 years, I noticed a collection box for canned and dry goods. His practice's anniversary is coming up and he celebrates every year by collecting food for Hopelink, one of our local food banks, and giving away free adjustments. Of course I'll participate in both! He takes good care of my back and by going I'll be helping my local neighbors. My back and my heart will feel better in one visit!
As I was thinking about what to donate, I thought about my recent re-dedication to coupon clipping. There are many coupons I don't use because we can only eat so much! Then it hit me. What a great way to extend my food donation. I'll be using the coupons to buy extra canned and dry goods to donate when I go to Dr. Nelson's anniversary celebration.
Coupons, canned foods and the food bank
Clipping coupons and checking the grocery stores' sales flyers are another way to help neighbors in need. For a little extra change you can add a few items to your cart and help a local family have a meal. Coupons can help you and others in these tougher times. It's just another way to make it Christmas every day. Won't you add a few canned and/or dry goods to your cart to help a neighbor? I'm sure there's a donation box or food bank near you. Let me know if you need help finding a location to donate the goods!
It's one more way to make it Christmas everyday.