What's in a name? In our case, quite a bit!
In the name of our organization, Semper Vita, there are two significant Latin words: Semper and Vita. We chose the name carefully because it says what we are all about. You see, "Semper" means "always" (think of the U.S. Marines's term Semper Fi which stands for "always faithful"), and "Vita" means "life."
Why did we choose "always life" for our name? Because we exist to reconcile people to God through missional volunteering and connecting. Our goal is that everyone experience life through service in community.
Why this blog post? Well, it has happened to me and other Semper Vita team members several times ... we were asked the question, "Is it a vitamin company?" or "I thought it was a vitamin. So, what is Semper Vita?" We politely answer, "No, it is not a vitamin." Then we explain that we are a non-profit dedicated to connecting people and churches with existing community-based non-profits and their volunteer opportunities.
How do we do that? Through a web-based matching and social networking solution. Check us out or sign up to be part of this volunteer solution at www.sempervita.org. We also invite you to join/like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/sempervita.
For fellow word people, the word vitamin does have the Latin word "Vita" meaning "life" in it. The word vitamin was coined by C. Funk in 1912 . He added "amine" to "vit(a)" because he thought that the substances were amines.
Well, I hope that clears it all up!