"So let my life be the proof, the proof of Your love;
Let my love look like You and what You're made of..."
from "The Proof of Your Love" by For King & Country
God communicates....
The God of the universe loves us. He is God and he is a person. He lives in relationship and created us for relationship...with him and with each other. God communicates most significantly and reliably through his Word, the Bible, but also through nature and other people. Lately, alongside his Word, God has used song lyrics to underscore his messages.
Over the past weeks, I have been reading and meditating on (chewing and ruminating on verses) 1 Peter chapters 1 and 2. As I was reading that again today, "The Proof of Your Love" by For King & Country was playing in the background. The line, "So let my life be the proof, the proof of Your love. Let my love look like You and what You're made of..." jumped out at me.
He wants to communicate through us
God wants to use our life and stories to communicate his story of love. Jesus brought us Good News and it's ours to share with others. We are not here for ourselves to enjoy life and have it all. We are "elect exiles" (1 Peter 1:2) and a "royal priesthood" (1 Peter 2:9). The priest's job was to represent people to God and be God's messenger to people.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
1 Peter 2: 9, 10, ESV
Use my life and story
God really wanted me to get this apparently! Besides the song and the Scripture, he also used Henry Blackaby's "Experiencing God" daily devotional (June 25). The message was about using our lives for God's Kingdom. Blackaby writes, "There are two ways to look at every situation: How it will affect you, and how it will affect God's Kingdom... (the Apostle) Paul's concern was how he could use his current situation to tell others of God's good news of salvation."
God wants to use my life circumstances, my story, to tell others of God's good news of salvation! Blackaby ends with the following challenge, "Ask God to make you aware of how He could use your present circumstances to bless others. Perhaps someone around you needs to see the difference Christ's presence makes in your life. Are you willing for God to use your circumstances to demonstrate His saving power to those around you?"
Today, the answer again is, "Yes Lord! Use my life and my story." What about you? Are you letting God use your life and story?
Need help with how to live your story to bless others? One resource designed for this is, The Story Lives, www.thestorylives.com. You can also get it at Amazon paperback or for Kindle, or for Nook at Barnes & Noble.
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