Thank you Billy Graham…
remembering a life well-lived
A legacy in my life: From Amsterdam to San Jose, CA to Redmond, WA
Billy Graham has had a profound impact on my life. It started with my father just after World War II in the Netherlands. My dad had found Jesus through the Salvation Army during the war but needed assurance of faith. He attended the 1954 Billy Graham Crusade in Amsterdam. Billy Graham changed my father's life.
As the Netherlands became post-Christian church attendance and faith changed. Luckily for me, both my parents believed and imparted their faith to my sister and me. My mother read the Children's Bible to us and we believed from an early age. We didn't attend church weekly but would periodically go as a family. Sometimes my father took me to church when I was between 5 & 8 years old—just be the two of us. Billy Graham arriving in Amsterdam 1954
Such special memories…celebrating the life of Billy Graham.
In 1979, my family (my dad, mom, sister and I) moved to the San Jose, CA from the Netherlands. A huge move. It's where I met my husband Fred who was instrumental in taking us to church, Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto. We attended weekly, starting an intentional Christian life as we were taught by Pastor Ray Stedman. Growing up in the Netherlands I was not sure about trusting in Jesus for my salvation. I believed but didn't know that I could know and believe that I was saved and would go to heaven. Billy Graham fixed all that.
In 1981, my husband, my mom and I attended the October 4, 1981, Billy Graham Crusade in San Jose, CA. Though saved, we all went forward. As "Just as I am" was sung (My mom sang in the choir!), we all left our seats. We recommitted to Christ as our Lord and Savior. We believed, really believed! We knew we would go to heaven. This means when I die I will not only see Jesus but I will see Billy Graham. The one who preached to my dad in 1954 and to the rest of us in 1981. A man I have admired for years and whom I've written about on this blog in years past (A Humble Man of God. Happy 97th Birthday, and Billy Graham: Fruit Grows in Valleys). Wow what a day that will be!
The legacy continues
Thanks to Billy Graham's influence and Christ's life in us, my husband, adult son and I now serve Jesus every day and every week. Just this January, we launched a church (together with 5 other families) for families of drug addicts, the addicts and their loved ones. We call ourselves True Hope Community Church and meet in Issaquah, WA. We offer hope and healing through Jesus Christ. We preach the Gospel. We are continuing the work started in us so many years ago by the Reverend Billy Graham.
Thank you Jesus! Thank you Pastor Billy Graham.
If want to follow the memorial events, check out the Billy Graham Memorial Schedule:
Memorial Live Stream Event Schedule on
Friday, March 2
10:00 a.m.